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SUCOFA Environmental Approach


Cocoa Farmers Adaptation to Climate Change

SUCOFA  is thrilled to be one of the only organization in Cameroon, featuring in the inspiring story of climate change  and cocoa farming, currently we are training community cocoa farmers on the importance and benefits of planting trees in a cocoa farm as shelter and mix cropping .









Cocoa Pesticides & Chemicals

Every year thousands of men, women and children are exposed to highly toxic Cocoa pesticides, leading to permanent damage to their eyes, skin, and central nervous system. These chemicals are often stored inside of homes, prepared in open drums, and applied using leaky backpack sprayers. Worse yet, children are frequently poisoned when they mistake these pesticides, which are sometimes stored in bottles, for soft drinks. In fact, pesticide associated poisonings has become the second leading cause of death in many regions of Cameroon and Africa.

Although international manufacturers say that they are concerned about the careless use of pesticides, their studies show that safe use is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve in rural villages of developing countries like Cameroon. Nevertheless, they continue to aggressively sell even the most toxic products there. But many countries lack the legal institutions and democratic political processes to confront the influential agri-chemical industry.


The dangerous pesticide situation in Cameroon is dire but it’s not without hope, the SUCOFA Foundation is currently working with farmers to promote an innovative methodology on the use of cocoa pesticides and chemicals during farmers training field schools. We train farmers in sustainable agriculture methods that seek to decrease dependency on agro-chemicals while, at the same time, increasing productivity through learning to work with the ecology (rather than against it).

The natural environment plays a huge role on the health and welfare of people who rely on it as their sole source of income and food. This is the case for many across the globe who live in remote villages with little access to outside markets.  They depend on the land to provide them with enough food to feed their families through the year and enough money so that they can afford medical care, clothing and shelter.


Due to changing climates, environmental damage from slash and burn farming, the over usage of pesticides and many other causes, people who depend on the land for their livelihoods are suffering.  SUCOFA recognizes that many farmers and families simply do not understand the causes of their troubles and need help in identifying ways to improve their existing resources.

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